
Most recent financial results
Investor Webinar
Distribution Reinvestment Plan
Suspension of the Distribution Reinvestment Plan (DRP)
As announced on the ASX on 20 December 2024, the RFM Board has resolved to suspend the DRP with consideration to the stapled security price continuing to trade below its adjusted net asset value. It is not considered to be in the best interests of unitholders as a whole for new units to be issued under the DRP.
While the DRP is suspended, participants in the DRP will receive cash distributions including the distribution for the quarter ended 31 December 2024 announced on 2 December 2024.
Unitholders are advised that their bank details can be updated with RFF’s registry, Boardroom Pty Limited, by either:
- logging-in to InvestorServe at and clicking the ‘Payment Instructions’ tab (if you are not a registered user, click on ‘Register Now’ and follow the instructions), or
- completing the Direct Credit Facility form available at and returning it to the registry, Boardroom:
Post: GPO Box 3993 Sydney NSW 2001.
The suspension will remain in place until further notice. Should the suspension of the DRP be lifted, each unitholder’s existing DRP status will be reinstated. A copy of the DRP can be accessed HERE.
Analyst Coverage
The following analysts periodically publish reports about the fund.
- Research Reports may be distributed by contacting the issuer of the relevant Report. Rural Funds Management Limited (ACN 077 492 838, AFSL 226 701) (“RFM”) is the responsible entity of Rural Funds Group (“RFF”). RFF is a stapled security, incorporating Rural Funds Trust (ARSN 112 951 578) and RF Active (ARSN 168 740 805). The information contained in Research Reports is not produced by RFM or RFF and is not intended to be investment or financial product advice given by RFM or RFF. RFM recommends recipients of the Reports make their own assessment of RFM and RFF before making any investment decision. Any inquiries with respect to the Reports should be directed to the relevant issuer of the Report.
Financial Information
RFF units are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).
View the latest RFF ASX announcements at the top of the page or visit the RFF ASX page for historical announcements.
The data and information contained on this webpage relating to the performance and price of RFF is supplied by a third party.
Distribution history
Record date
Reinvestment date
Payment date
Distribution paid (per unit)
Franking Credits
Net Asset Values (NAV)
Adjusted NAV (per unit)1
NAV (per unit)
RFT portion2
RFA portion2
- Adjusted NAV is compiled on the basis of total assets to recognise water entitlements at fair value. Financial Statements recognise water entitlements at cost as per ASIC guidance and accounting standards.
- RFF is a stapled security, incorporating Rural Funds Trust (RFT) (ARSN 112 951 578) and RF Active (RFA) (ARSN 168 740 805).
Frequently Asked Questions
RFF units can be traded via the ASX. The following information is provided as a guide to investing in RFF. As with all investments, unit holders should seek personal advice from their professional advisers before investing.
How do I buy and sell units?
You can buy or sell RFF units through a suitably licensed financial adviser, stockbroker or online broking facility. These transactions may incur a brokerage fee.The ASX also provides a ‘Find a broker’ listing which may assist you. Rural Funds Management Limited does not trade units directly with unitholders.
How do I find out what my units are worth?
You will find the latest unit price, trading volume, announcements and other information about RFF units (ASX: RFF) in the financial section of major newspapers or from the ASX website. You may also see the value of your holding by logging on to RFF's registry Boardroom Limited, via their investor portal InvestorServe.
When do I receive a distribution?
RFF pays distributions on a quarterly basis. Distribution announcements can be found on the ASX.
Where can I find further information?
Research for RFF can be found in the analyst coverage section of this website, or by contacting your stockbroker or financial adviser. Please note that the information and estimates contained in these reports are the views of those of organisations and not of Rural Funds Management Limited (RFM). RFM accepts no responsibility for the content or accuracy of these reports.
Are distributions franked?
RFF is a stapled security, incorporating Rural Funds Trust (RFT) and RF Active (RFA). RFT is a passive entity for tax purposes and incorporates the majority of RFF assets including almonds, macadamias, vineyards, cropping and cattle sectors. The income received from these assets is passive in nature and thus attracts flow through taxation treatment, meaning that earnings on these assets are taxed in the hands of the investor at their marginal rate. RFA includes assets which are considered operational in nature from a taxation perspective. As these assets are held within RFA they do not impact on the flow through taxation treatment on the assets held within RFT. RFA is taxed as a public trading trust. As a public trading trust, RFA pays tax at the corporate tax rate (currently 30%) on the profit it generates from its operational activities. Any franking credits paid as part of RFA distributions will be described on the relevant Distribution Statement provided to Unitholders.
Can I receive my communications by email?
The default communication election is post, however we encourage investors to consider switching to electronic communications as this is the best way to stay informed, avoid postal delays and is more environmentally friendly.
Should you wish to receive your communications by email, or change your current electronic election to post, please call Investor Services on 1800 026 665 or email via
What is the process if I have a complaint?
Rural Funds Management Limited (RFM) aims to respond to feedback and complaints quickly and fairly. RFM Investor Services can be contacted on 1800 026 665 or Our team, located in Canberra, are available to assist you 8.30am – 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
Where possible, we will try to resolve your complaint during the initial conversation; however, if that is not possible, we will provide an estimated response time.
We commit to ensuring response times to complaints are appropriate. Where a detailed response is required, we will keep you up to date with an expected timeframe for a response ensuring the timeframe is kept to a minimum, but no later than the maximum period of 30 calendar days.
RFM is a member of an approved External Dispute Resolution (EDR) Service, the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). Where the complaint is not resolved within the appropriate time limits, or is not resolved to your satisfaction, we will inform you of your right to pursue the complaint with the EDR Service (details below).
Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)
Phone: 1800 931 678
Mail: GPO Box 3 Melbourne VIC 3001
Who is the Custodian?
Certane CT Pty Limited
ACN 106 424 088
Level 6, 80 Clarence Street
The unit registry for RFF is managed by Boardroom Pty Ltd.
The unit registry for RFF is managed by Boardroom Pty Ltd. Registry Forms can be accessed and downloaded Boardroom's Investor Forms page. Investors and advisers can update their details by contacting Boardroom via InvestorServe or by telephone on 1300 737 760. Alternatively, you can contact RFM Investor Services on 1800 026 665 or via email at

Learn about RFM’s incorporation of sustainability considerations in the management of agricultural assets.