Mayneland is a Rural Funds Group (ASX: RFF) cropping property acquired in 2018 and is located approximately 10 km north-west of Rolleston, in the Central Highlands region of central Queensland. Mayneland was the second cropping property added to the RFF portfolio, after Lynora Downs in 2016, which is located approximately 22 km to the south. A third cropping property, Baamba Plains, is located approximately 25 km to the north.
Cotton is the main crop produced at Mayneland, however other rotation crops including sorghum, wheat, mung beans, and chickpeas are also grown. Mayneland is located relatively near to cotton processing facilities (gins) at Emerald, located approximately 135 km to the north, and Moura, approximately 160 km to the east.
Water availability and land attributes
The south-eastern boundary of Mayneland has frontage to the Comet River. The property is also traversed by the Meteor Creek and other seasonal watercourses including Albinia Creek and Graceful Ponds Creek. Water is available from the Comet River via unsupplemented water allocations totalling 9,120 ML. In addition, a 210 ML groundwater licence from Meteor Creek Alluvium and an overland flow licence supplements the water supply.

The soils at Mayneland have qualities that contribute to producing higher cotton yields. They are predominantly fertile grey self-mulching cracking clays, which gradually transition to black self-mulching cracking clays. These self-mulching clays exhibit a consistent heavy clay texture that extends from the surface deep into the soil profile. When dry, the surface soil self-mulches, forming small, easily disturbed aggregates due to significant swelling and shrinking caused by cycles of wetting and drying. These soils have high nutrient levels, high water holding capacity and good drainage characteristics.
The Central Highlands region has a sub-tropical climate, ideal for growing cotton and other crops. Over the past 10 years, Mayneland has experienced at or above average rainfall in seven of those 10 years, providing favourable moisture conditions. The nearby Rolleston Airport has a mean annual rainfall of 610mm with nearly half falling during the summer months. Relatively consistent and adequate rainfall, particularly over the summer months, is beneficial to productivity and compliments year-round cropping activities.
Mean temperatures recorded at Rolleston Airport over the same period range from 14.4 to 29.5 degrees Celsius. This warmer climate features long, warm summer months providing ideal growing conditions for cotton, and the consistent mild winters facilitate the planting of winter crops.

Productivity developments since acquisition includes the addition of approximately 4,940 ML of efficient, long-term water storage to maximise the use of water allocations and water from significant rain events. Irrigation infrastructure has also been improved which included the upgrading of three, and the installation of seven, centre pivot irrigation systems. Along with irrigation infrastructure, RFM is increasing the irrigation area from 485 ha to approximately 1,000 ha.


Location | Location | Rolleston, central Queensland | ||
Size | Size | 2,942 ha | ||
Aquisition value | Aquisition value | $18.0m (September 2018) | ||
Adjusted property value | Adjusted property value | $29.8m (31 December 2023) | ||