In August 2020, Rural Funds Group (ASX: RFF) acquired 25 sugar cane farms at Maryborough Queensland, with the intention to progressively convert to macadamia orchards. As at 31 December 2023, 10 farms have been converted to macadamia orchards. Glendorf was one of the first of the properties developed and has approximately 248 ha of planted area.
This conversion of land from sugar cane to a higher value commodity is an example of RFF’s higher and better use strategy.
The Glendorf orchard forms part of the 40-year lease of macadamia orchards with a company managed by The Rohatyn Group (TRG) on behalf of a joint venture between TRG and a global institutional investor.
A critical component of the design of RFF’s orchards includes the incorporation of dual irrigation systems. These systems supply water directly to the trees and grass within the interrow using supplementary micro sprinklers. Promoting grass growth between rows reduces topsoil loss, run off and aids in temperature regulation for the trees’ microclimates.

The integration of dual irrigation systems also enables increased control over water application, assisting with the potential effects of water-stress on crop productivity. In addition to advanced irrigation techniques, the design of the orchards incorporates other beneficial elements, such as diversion banks, block layout and grassed drains.
The use of technology within the orchards will also aim to optimise resource efficiency. Sap flow meters, soil moisture probes and weather instruments capture real-time digital data that can be combined with tree growth data and leaf samples. This data enables precision agricultural management practices, including nutrient efficiency and water use efficiency.


Location | Location | Maryborough, Queensland | ||
Size | Size | 248 ha planted area | ||
Lessee | Lessee | The Rohatyn Group (TRG) | ||