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National financial media covers RFF’s signing of new lease with Olam

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National financial media covers RFF’s signing of new lease with Olam

National media outlets have reported on the Rural Funds Group (ASX: RFF) recent market announcement that it has signed a long-term lease with Olam Orchards Australia Pty Ltd to develop and operate an almond orchard near Darlington point NSW.

Read the full articles below:

Rural Funds continues expansion into almonds with Olam leasing deal
Australian Financial Review (AFR), 22 September 2015 (Syndicated in Stock&Land, 22 September 2015)

Rural Funds Group expands into almonds with Olam lease deal
The Australian (Business Review), 22 September 2015

Rural Funds to develop almond farm
Finance News Network (FNN), 22 September 2015

About Rural Funds Group (RFF)

RFF owns a diversified portfolio of high quality Australian agricultural assets. RFF’s investment objective is to generate a stable income stream derived from leasing its assets to suitable counterparts and capital growth through any appreciation in the value of those assets. RFF is a stapled security, incorporating Rural Funds Trust (ARSN 112 951 578) and RF Active (ARSN 168 740 805), trading under the ASX code ‘RFF’. Rural Funds Management Ltd (RFM) is the responsible entity and manager of RFF.


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